Society of Creation
Concordia University System

Society of Creation

Providing support, education, affirmation, and encouragement for those who teach the historic position of the LCMS on the doctrine of creation and to affirm the biblical position on creation.

Dr. Dean Wenthe, President, Concordia University System

"I support the mission of the Society of Creation."

Rev. Dr. Patrick Ferry, President Emeritus, Concordia University Wisconsin - Ann Arbor

“The connection of the Society of Creation and the Concordia University System has been a profoundly positive partnership.”
Dr. Curt Gielow, Campus Chief Executive Emeritus, Concordia University Ann Arbor
“The Concordia University Ann Arbor Campus reaffirms our commitment to the Biblical truths about creation."

Conference Videos

Our educational content is available free on Youtube

2023 Conference

"The Origin of Man"

  • 16 & 17 June 2023
    Concordia University Wisconsin

  • Registration is open.

    Visit the Archives page to view Conference videos

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